Using ifstated to watch an egress link

· 3min · Dan F.

While developing my own OpenBSD router, I stumbled across a built-in service called ifstated. Previously, I was using a cronjob to run a script every five minutes to check the status of pppoe0. However, ifstated is able to do everything that my script could, in a more powerful way.

The inspiration for this configuration file originated heavily from calomel's tutorial. I did modify a handful of items though, to better tailor it to my own router's design.

The script is used to run extra steps, such as email the admin if the egress IP has changed.


init-state start 

# Check if external link is up. 
link_up = '( "ifconfig egress | grep -q \"status: active\"" every 10 )'

# Check to see if egress is working
ping_check = '( "ifconfig egress | grep -q \"inet *.*.*.* netmask\" && ping -c 3 -w 5 >/dev/null" every 20 )'

# Check if this router is using pppoe to connect
pppoe_check = '( "ifconfig | grep -q pppoe" every 5 )'

state start {
    init {
        run "logger \"Starting ifstated\""
        run "touch /tmp/.ifstated.start"
    if $link_up {
        if $ping_check {
            set-state online
        if ! $ping_check {
            set-state offline
    if ! $link_up {
        set-state egress_down

state online {
    # This will look at the IP currently on egress, and notify admin via email if it has been changed
    init {
        run "test ! -e /tmp/.ifstated.start && /home/admin/bin/ || rm /tmp/.ifstated.start"
    if ! $ping_check {
        set-state offline

state offline {
    init {
        run "logger \"Egress is active, but we cannot ping\""
        run "echo -e \"Router egress is online, but cannot ping out\"\n $(ifconfig egress) | mail -s \"$(hostname -s) is offline\" $"
        if $pppoe_check {
            run "ifconfig pppoe0 up"
        if ! $pppoe_check {
            run "ifconfig em0 up"
    if ! $link_up {
        set-state egress_down
    if $ping_check {
        set-state online

state egress_down {
    init {
        run "logger \"Egress is disconnected\""
        run "echo \"$(date; ifconfig egress)\" | mail -s \"$(hostname -s) Egress is disconnected\" $"
    if $link_up {
        if $ping_check {
            set-state online
        if ! $ping_check {
            set-state offline

This the the egress script that gets called when the router/server changes into the online state. I run a pppoe connection at home, and would like to be notified when the link goes down, or if my external IP is changed.

#!/usr/bin/env bash

egress_ip=$(ifconfig egress | grep -m1 inet | awk '{print $2}')

# If the egress file exists, read it. If not, create a new one with the current egress ip.
# Since OpenBSD clears /tmp on reboot, assume this is a new boot
if [[ ! -e $egress_file ]]; then
    echo $egress_ip > $egress_file
    logger "Egress log absent, creating"
    exit 0

# Compare the egress log to the current egress ip. If they differ, email admin
egress_old=$(cat $egress_file)
if [[ $egress_ip != $egress_old ]]; then
    logger "IP has changed to $egress_ip" 
    echo $egress_ip > $egress_file
    if [[ -n $admin_email ]]; then
        echo "IP has changed $(uptime) $(ifconfig egress)" | mail -s "$(hostname -s) IP has changed" $admin_email
    exit 0

# We only got this far if there was an egress log, and the IP had not changed. Therefore, the link must have dropped
if [[ -n $admin_email ]]; then
    echo "$(uptime) $(ifconfig egress)" | mail -s "$(hostname -s) is online" $admin_email